Menyadap telepon dan sms

1. Mobile Secuware
Bisa digunakan untuk memantau orang lain lewat Remote Monitoring-nya.
Aplikasi ini juga dibekali fitur anti maling :P yaitu bila ponsel ente hilang bisa diketahui lewat fasilitas M-Trax dan data yang ada didalamnya bisa diselamatkan. 

2. Xelnex Lite
Bisa digunakan untuk merekam pembicaraan telepon masuk dan keluar tanpa ada bunyi ‘beep’.
File rekaman berformat AMR,WAV atau MP3.

3. Mobile Spy
Bisa digunakan untuk mengetahui informasi lalu lintas SMS dan telepon yang bisa di akses dari ponsel maupun PC.

4. BT Info
Bisa digunakan untuk menyadap SMS, BT info hanya memanfaatkan Bluetooth Ponsel jadi tidak perlu menguras pulsa ente.

5. TimedSpy
Bisa digunakan untuk melakukan pemotretan dalam interval berbeda secara otomatis dan mengirimkan langsung ke ponsel ente via MMS.

6. Magic Blue Hack
Bisa digunakan untuk melakukan panggilan ke nomer telepon lain atau bisa juga mengirimkan SMS ke nomor telepon lain.

7. SMS Anywhere
Bisa digunakan untuk meneruskan (Forward) SMS yang diterima Ponsel target ke Ponsel ente.

8. Call Recorder
Bisa digunakan untuk merekam dialog telepon ponsel target. 

Credit : el_nino

Posted by


Cara unik mendapatkan password yahoo

Mungkin bagi yang dah tau trik ini bakalan ketawa ngakak… , atau malah belom coba sama sekali?

Jujur tehnik ini ditemukan pacar gua sendiri a.k.a chrno yang digunakannya untuk mendapatkan username dan password Facebook dari temen - temennya . Ngakak dah gua

Penasaran? Langsung dah…

Sebenernya ini cara sederhana banget yaitu menggunakan jasa SMSnya YM… Gak tau cara kirim SMS pake YM? Google it…

Nah kalo perlu buat ID baru, misalkan "CS Yahoo" (Customer Service Yahoo) atau yang gak mencurigakan.

Langsung aja SMS minta verifikasi password or something, yang jelas ini butuh keahlian khusus. Karena YM menggunakan nomor seperti berikut "9246002" siapa yang curiga? Yang jelas bukan kalian loh. Kalian pasti curiga, nah cewek – cewek lugu di luar sana gimana? 

Mungkin format smsnya kayak gini

Dear : Blablabla diharapkan melakukan verifikasi email dan password email yahoo Anda untuk mencegah terjadinya pencurian password. Reply SMS ini dengan format Email dan Password 

Ketika dia reply dan cek inbox di YM kalian…

Nah kalo email dah dikuasai masa di dalamnya gak ada Facebook, dll

NB : Disarankan sang korban menggunakan email Yahoo bukan Gmail karena jasa SMS YM akan ada pemberitahuan terlebih dahulu. Dan bagi gua sendiri cara ini belom terlalu ampuh, mungkin kalian bisa membuat FAKE LOGIN terlebih dahulu dan isi SMSnya arahkan ke situ.

Semoga berguna… Thanks buat Chrno

Sumber :

Posted by


Cara membuat buku tamu yang keren

Pada Postingan ini yaitu membuat buku tamu bisa dikatakan keren karena sebelumnya ada yang menanyakan tutorial ini,langsung saja

1. Siapkan kode Buku tamu Chat anda.

2. Rancangan -> Tambah Gadget ->
pilih HTML/JavaScript

3. Masukkan kode yang ada di bawah ini
ke dalam kontennya kemudian

$(document).ready(function() {
//select all the a tag with name equal to syam

$('a[name=syam]').click(function(e) {

//Cancel the link behavior


//Get the A tag

var id = $(this).attr('href');

//Get the screen height and width

var moveHeight = $(document).height();

var moveWidth = $(window).width();

//Set heigth and width to move to fill up the whole screen


//transition effect



//Get the window height and width

var winH = $(window).height();

var winW = $(window).width();

//Set the popup window to center

$(id).css('top', winH/2-$(id).height()/2);

$(id).css('left', winW/2-$(id).width()/2);

//transition effect



//if close button is clicked

$('.window .close').click(function (e) {

//Cancel the link behavior





//if move is clicked

$('#move').click(function () {






<style>a {color:#ffffff; text-decoration:none}
img { border: none; }
#move {








#house .window {








padding:0px 100px 0px 0px;

#house #shoutmix {

background:url( no-repeat 0 0 transparent;



padding:83px 0px 0px 0px;

#closed {

padding:2px 0 0 0;



<ul><div style='display:scroll; position:fixed; top:130px; right:3px;'>

<a href="#shoutmix" name="syam"><img src="" width="34" height="125" /></a>

<div id="house">

<!-- Start Shoutmix -->


<div id="shoutmix" class="window">

Masukan kode buku tamu disini

<div id="closed"><input type="button" value="Close Here" class="close" /></div>

</div></center></div><!-- End Shoutmix -->

<div id="move"></div>

<!-- End of Shoutmix light effect -->

simpan dan anda lihat hasilnya.

Posted by


Cara membuat buku tamu model sliding

Berikut ini langkah untuk membuatnya :

1. Rancangan -> Tambah Gadget ->
Pilih HTML/JavaScript.

2. Masukkan ke dalam kontennya
kode berikut ini lalu simpan.

<style type="text/css">
* html #shout{position:relative;}
background:url('') no-repeat;}
border:2px solid #ccc;
<script type="text/javascript">
function showHideSHOUT(){
var shout = document.getElementById("shout");
var w = shout.offsetWidth;
shout.opened ? moveSHOUT(20-w, 0) : moveSHOUT(0, 35-w);
shout.opened = !shout.opened;}
function moveSHOUT(x0, xf){
var shout = document.getElementById("shout");
var dx = Math.abs(x0-xf) > 10 ? 5 : 1;
var dir = xf>x0 ? 1 : -1;
var x = x0 + dx * dir; = x.toString() + "px";
if(x0!=xf){setTimeout("moveSHOUT("+x+", "+xf+")", 70);}
<div id="shout">
<div class="shouttab" onclick="showHideSHOUT()" title="Show/Hide"> </div>
<div class="shoutcontent">


<script type="text/javascript">
var shout = document.getElementById("shout"); = (30-shout.onsetWidth).toString() + "px";

KETERANGAN :Masukkan kode buku tamu Anda pada
tempat yang disediakan.

selamat mencoba

Posted by


Blade Taker Job Guide

Posted Image
There are 2 options available for this build: Pure Str or Pure Vit.
Pure Str allows for harder hits, which is nice with crits.
Pure Vit adds more HP and defence for better tanking.
It all depends on which is your fighting style, so pick wisely. I have had success with both Vit and Str builds, and I feel that each has their place, and both are enjoyable to play.
My personal preference is Pure Str because my fighting style is to run around like a little kid high on sugar, while stunning and blasting everything close to me. If you are a more stationary player, Pure Vit would be a better path to follow.

Job Path
Ruffian=>Archer=>Treasure Hunter=>Blade Taker

Skills marked as "optional" are skills you should either get last or forget about all together. If the "optional" is removed in a higher job, that means it is not longer a "get last" skill. You will have extra skill points at level 125 to play around with, and they are good skills to get when you have already built your character.

Dusk Slashing (max)
Zephyr (Max)
Burning Rage (lvl 1, optional)

Deathsign (Max)
Light Armor Expertise (Max)
Light Evasion (Max)
Dagger Training (Max)
Blindside (Max)

Do not worry about maxing skills. You will have a lot of spare skill points in your 2nd job change (Archer).
Burning rage is optional. It is a nice skill for PvP and guildwars, but if you are a PvE everything, it is not as advantageous to get it immediately at this point.

Dusk Slashing (Lvl 10)
Windbreaking (Lvl 5)
Zephyr (max)
Detect hole (max)
Burning Rage (lvl 2, optional)

Light Armor Expertise (Max)
Light Evasion (Max)
Dagger Training (Max)
Blindside (Max)
Shadow Instinct (Max)
Diabolic Instinct (Max)

Don't worry about maxing out all the skills here by level 40. You will have plenty of breathing room in your next job.

Zephyr (max)
Fatal Touch (max)

Deathsign (max)
Light Armor Expertise (Max)
Light Evasion (Max)

This is going to be the most painful job because of your lack of skills. Since you don't have rapid slashing yet, leveling is slower. Do a few DD, and you will be onto TH in no time, so don't worry about it so much. An explanation of why this job was picked over Thief was outlined above. To give an example of how many skill points leeway you will have for the TH job, I had 348 skill points left to spend when I changed from Archer to TH.

Think of it as a glass cannon, the second you reach 75, you will be a crit damage machine.

Treasure Hunter
Rapid slashing (lvl 1, more is not needed for this build)
Shield boomerang (Max)
Hunter Blast (Max)
Zephyr (Max)
Detect hole (Max)
Hunter Smoke (Max, Optional)
Extortion (Max, Optional)

Light Armor Expertise (Max)
Light Evasion (Max)
Dagger Training (Max)
Blindside (Max)
Shadow Instinct (Max)
Diabolic Instinct (Max)

With this job, you will eventually see your crit monster come into fruition. Leveling should be fairly easy here, just time consuming. You will have close to 60% crit chance or higher (depending on equips) before you reach level 100.

A reskill is required because a few skills are bugged, and cannot be used while dual wielding.

Blade Taker
Shield boomerang (Max)
Hunter Blast (Max)
Hunter Smoke (Max)
Zephyr (Max)
Detect Hole (Max)
Fatal Touch (Max)
Burning Rage (Max)
Predator (Max, Optional)
Extortion (Max, Optional)

Dual Wield expertise (Max)
Dual Wield Training (Max)
Deathsign (max)
Light Armor Expertise (Max)
Light Evasion (Max)
Dagger Training (Max)
Blindside (Max)
Shadow Instinct (Max)
Diabolic Instinct (Max)

Someone might ask "Why no Dual wield Mastery?" Simple, it only adds attack speed. If you have extra skill points at the end, feel free to put them in it, but the % bonus to speed isn't worth the skill points that could be used on a better skill. At level 5, your speed is only increased by 5.1% (barely noticeable) at a cost of 15 skill points. After you max out all your skills you are going to use, then it would be ok to put points into this.

My recommendation is to get skills in this order after you use a skill reset.
1.Dual wield expertise/Dual wield Expertise training/dagger training/Light armor expertise
2. Hunter Smoke/Shield Boomerang
3. Everything else (using your discretion on which skills you think you need first)

Job Change Locations
Ruffian - Tierre in Alker Harbor
Archer - Tierre in Alker Harbor
Treasure Hunter - Ellenshar in Alker Harbor
Blade Taker - Cindamook in Naila Village

How to calculate % chance to crit
You can use this simple equation:

Crit number / 1500 = % chance to crit

So for example, your critical window says "750". By simply plugging this into the equation, you should have a 50% chance to crit. At higher levels (level 105+), and with a crit slime, you should be close to 80% or 90% crit chance.

This is just a leveling suggestion. By no means is there any basis stating that it is the best way to go. I know Dungeon Date hunting grounds are the best places to level. These spots are for the 12 hour breaks between DD times. These are the hunting grounds I use according to level with all my characters, and seems to work fairly well. I am always open to hear suggestions on better hunting grounds according to level.

1-20 Gate of Alker
20-35 Tarintus
35-40 Moonblind Swamp (only hunt Luminas)
40-65 Way to Howling Ravine and Dry Gazell Swamp
65-85 Howling Cave 1f and 2f
85-90 The Valley of Fairy
90-100 Ghost Tree Swamp
100-110 Naila Harbor
110+ Grave of the Knights

First, I must say that this is the gear I used/plan to reuse, and it worked well for me. Second. The order of importance for philo skills are evasion, strength, then dex (basically, aim for evasion, but be satisfied with dex). Besides that, use your discretion on which stats you need most and try to put points into them.

Also, I feel that there are only 3 important levels for changing your equipment (60, 90, 105). I use the same equipment till I reach the desired level, and simply switch. This saves time from changing your equipment constantly, giving you more time to grind and level. This guide is also designed to be gold efficient. By gold efficient, I mean that you don't need to spend tons of gold to get low and mid level equipment. The equipment selected is designed to allow you to reach the final equipment tier without spending all your gold. This will allow you to save gold to buy the final tier's equipment.

Level 1 to 60
From level 1 to 60, any gear will suffice, as you are leveling so fast, it is a waste of time to hunt down any specific items, construct anything, or reinforce/enchant/philo.

Level 60ish
Weapon - Grim Reaper's Scythe
Enchant - Level 7
Reinforce - Orichalcum
Philo - Strength, Dex, or Evasion

Armor - Leather Armor Stained in Blood
Enchant - Level 7
Reinforce - Ruby
Philo - Strength, Dex, or Evasion

Gloves - Leather Gloves Stained in Blood
Enchant - Level 7
Reinforce - Ruby
Philo - Strength, Dex, or Evasion

Shoes - Leather Shoes Stained in Blood
Enchant - Level 7
Reinforce - Emerald or Wind Crystal
Philo - Strength, Dex, or Evasion

Helmet - Mask Stained in Blood
Enchant - Level 7
Reinforce - Emerald
Philo - Strength, Dex, or Evasion

Level 90
At this point, you should start feeling the pain of low level equipment, which means it is time to change. Guidelines are essentially the same for enchang/reinforce/philo. You have 2 options to go at this point, you can either get the full Trans set or craft your own. If you are strapped for cash, or want to save as much money as possible for the godly equipment, then craft your stuff.

Weapon - Crafted Rune knife (stats dependent on you)
Enchant - Level 7
Reinforce - Orichalcum
Philo - Strength, Dex, or Evasion

Armor - Crafted Veteran Explorer's Leather Armor or Transcendent Leather Armor
Enchant - Level 7
Reinforce - Ruby
Philo - Strength, Dex, or Evasion

Gloves - Crafted Veteran Explorer's Leather Gloves or Transcendent Leather gloves
Enchant - Level 7
Reinforce - Ruby
Philo - Strength, Dex, or Evasion

Shoes - Crafted Veteran Explorer's Leather Long Boots or Transcendent Leather Boots
Enchant - Level 7
Reinforce - Emerald or Wind Crystal
Philo - Strength, Dex, or Evasion

Helmet - Mask Stained in Blood
Enchant - Level 7
Reinforce - Emerald
Philo - Strength, Dex, or Evasion


Helmet - Fox's Full Helm
Enchant - N/A
Reinforce - Emerald
Philo - Strength, Dex, or Evasion

Level 101ish
Weapon - 2x Advanced knife
Enchant - Level 7+
Reinforce - Orichalcum or Litheon
Philo - Strength or Evasion

Armor - Gardener's Leather Armor
Enchant - Level 7+
Reinforce - Ruby or Opal
Philo - Strength or Evasion

Gloves - Gardener's Leather Gloves
Enchant - Level 7+
Reinforce - Ruby or Lightning strike crystal
Philo - Strength or Evasion

Shoes - Gardener's Leather Boots
Enchant - Level 7+
Reinforce - Wind Crystal
Philo - Strength or Evasion

Helmet - Kynee
Enchant - Level 7+
Reinforce - Emerald
Philo - Strength or Evasion

Rings - 2x Hathors
Enchant - Level 7+
Philo - Strength or Evasion

Necklace - Necklace of the Living body
Enchant - Level 7+
Philo - Strength or Evasion

Earrings - Caster/Gemini Set or Crafted lvl 105 earrings or Earring of Flickering Magic
Enchant - Level 7+
Philo - Strength or Evasion

Belt - Eros Belt

Headgear - Crit slime or Accuracy Halo

Posted by


Cara bug silver lostsaga terbaru season 2

Cara Bug Silver di Lost Saga ...
[-]pertama lo main aja lost saga sesuka hatimu mau mancing terserah
[-]kedua lo terima tuh Silver yang dari GM lost saga
[-]Ketiga jangan di buka dulu tunggu maintance darurat
[-]Keempat nantikan ada chat misalkan mau maintance ada 30 detik lah sebelum keluar
[-] pas Detik terakhir lah lo buka tuh Silver di angka 2 detik

dapet silver 100x lipat
tau deh ini program ilegal apa bukan...

Ada event baru,ada bug baru,,,,yaitu ivent silver,,,
Sbenarnya Bug Nya simpel aja
1.Selesain 30 menit
2.terima hadiahnya
3.Buka hadiahnya(Sampbil tangan anda mencabut Kabel modem ke Laptop atau PC anda,agar DC mendadak,nah nanti kan Silvernya terus berputar sementara dah DC,nah dri situ lah bug simpelnya
5.Liat di hadiah(empty bagnya atau Eventnya tadi blom diambil,truz ambil truz,pake truz sampel kalian dah bosen menrimanya,ane hanya dapet 560 Silver,mulai dari jam 13.00 Tadi

Credit Dari Forum Tetangga

1 Mnit lalu ane beres misi 30 Mnit ( Event )
Random Silver bagnya Belom ane Buka msih di taruh di hadiah ,
Nah ane Coba2 Tuh yang ( bug silver di Crush ( padahal gak bisa )
iseng2 buat GameGuard .

Waktu ane buat room > Mulai Otomatis kan ada Detik msuk ke Room

Detik Ke > 2 ,a Ane buka tuh waktu msih Di Room . ( Sblumnya token ane msih 461 ) Pas waktu buka tuh Random Silver , Ane dapet ( 9 ) jadi Jumlah Silver ane ( 470 )

Gak tau kenapa ? Ane Langsung DC ( karena GameGuard Telah Rusak ) Otomatis Silver Udah Ke OK ( Confrim kan )

Herannya waktu ane Login Lagi Kko Random Silvernya Jadi Ada 3 ?? ( Ane gak Sempet SS ( Screen Shot ( Saking HOKI .a )

Ane buka tuh Random Silver , Dapetnya 7, 2 , 8
Nah Itu bagaimana om ? Apakah Itu Error ? Atau Bisa Bug Beneran ??

1. Bereskan Terlebih dahulu Q 30 Mnit OL tuh
2. Setelah RSB dapat Dan Tersimpan di hadiah Menuju Room Crusader ( Buat / Join Bisa )
3. Ajak teman Untuk masuk Ke Room Crusader tersebut ( Kalau bisa sih temen 1 Net )
4. Setelah itu Klik ke Bagian Gear dan menuju ARMOR / Head / Akesoris ( Untuk Menggunakan DC Game Guard ) , Klik Mulai dan Lakukan BUG Setelah KLIK di Mulai
5. Ketika Mulai permainan tersebut Langsung keluar dari Room Crusader
6. Buat room crushader lagi dan Tunggu sampai DC ( Karena Game Guard Telah Rusak ) / Atau Bisa main seperti biasa jika tidak Terjadi Game Guard Telah Rusak ) ..

 itu doank yang saya gunakan , Semoga WORK dan Bisa SUKSES

Posted by


Cara melacak & mengetahui lawan chating YM

Sebelum acara dimulai hayo siapa yang belum punya YM pada tunjuk tangan

Melacak IP address lawan chatting kita Saat kita menggunakan Yahoo messenger, sebenarnya kita bisa mengetahui alamat IP dari lawan chatting kita. Caranya sebagai berikut:

1. Kirimkan suatu file pada lawan chat kita.
2. Lalu masuklah ke Command Prompt (MSDOS) dan ketikkan NETSTAT -N lalu tekan enter, maka alamat IP lawan chatting anda (yang telah anda kirimi file tadi) akan muncul beserta port yang digunakan untuk pengiriman file.
3. Untuk mengetahui lokasi lawan chatting anda (real address) seperti ia berada di kampus atau di warnet mana,
tinggal anda chek di dengan mempergunakan alamat IP yang anda dapatkan.

Selamat Mencoba

Posted by


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